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At the department, education is conducted in the subjects of computer engineering, electronics, electrical engineering and sound production. The research at the department takes place at the research center Sensible Things that Communicate ( and deals with sensor-based systems and services for use within the Internet of Things and artificial intelligence.
Spectroscopic measurement methods can be used to analyse which molecules are included in a material that is illuminated with infrared light. The method is usually referred to as vibrational spectroscopy and is already well known. We plan to take this method out of the chemistry lab and into field conditions by optimizing a spectral contactless sensor for a specific application. The content of chemicals used to prevent freezing of the liquid covering a road surface must be measured. Variations in temperature, humidity, background light and the nature of asphalt surfaces are just some of the challenges you will face when methods of calibration and analysis are to be investigated. The experiments may also include the construction of electronics and optics.
Job description
Independent third-cycle studies encompassing research 100%.
Entry requirements
General entry requirements include a second-cycle level qualification, or fulfilment of courses comprising at least 240 credits of which at least 60 credits must be at second-cycle level, or the equivalent knowledge gained in some other way in Sweden or abroad. Specific entry requirements include at least 90 credits in the subject of Electrical Engineering, Computer Engineering, Engineering Physics or closely related subjects or the equivalent knowledge gained in some other way in Sweden or abroad.
Assessment criteria
In addition to the formal eligibility requirements, selection will also be based on other work (such as thesis work) and courses, and on interviews with applicants. Prior experience in optical design, design and programming of embedded systems and configurable computational platforms will be an advantage. Personal qualities like teamwork skills, initiative, and suitability for PhD studies will be weighed together with formal subject knowledge.
Personal qualities
Personal qualities such as cooperativeness, initiative and suitability for doctoral studies will be weighed against the formal subject knowledge. A brief description of the applicant's visions and goals must be included in the application.
Other assessment criteria
The applicant is expected to have good knowledge of the English language, both spoken and written.
Employment process
Processing of the appointment will comply with the provisions in Chapter 5 of the Higher Education Ordinance, and will be carried out in accordance with Mid Sweden University’s Employment Procedures.
Terms of employment
The doctoral studentship position corresponds to four years of full-time studies and is expected to lead to a Degree of Doctor. The entry date is March 15, 2024 or as agreed.
Initial doctoral student positions are valid for a maximum of one year, after which the position may be renewed by no longer than two years at a time. Provisions regarding doctoral studentship employment can be found in the Higher Education Ordinance (1993:100), Chapter 5, Sections 1-7.
Place of employment: Sundsvall
Salary: In accordance with Mid Sweden University’s salary scale for doctoral students.
For more detailed information contact the Head of department, Patrik Österberg, or Associate Professor Benny Thörnberg, More information can also be found on STC’s homepage
Application documents must be submitted in Swedish or English.
The application must include your CV, transcripts from your prior degree programme(s), and a statement of your research interests.
Please send in your application through our recruitment system no later than 21th of January 2024.
First day of employment | The entry date is March 15, 2024 or as agreed |
Salary | According to Mid Sweden University's salary scale for doctoral students |
Full-time equivalent | 100% |
City | Sundsvall |
County | Västernorrlands län |
Country | Sweden |
Reference number | MIUN 2023/3051 |
Union representative |
Last application date | 21.Jan.2024 11:59 PM CET |