Mittuniversitetet, Department of Economics, Geography, Law and Tourism

The department conducts research and education in the subjects: business administration, law, economics, statistics, geography and tourism studies.

Description of the Human Geography Unit 
The Human Geography Unit within the Department of Economics, Geography, Law and Tourism (EJT) is an active and growing research group whose members have networks and collaborations both nationally and internationally. Our research activities involve work within the discipline of human geography as well as interdisciplinary perspectives. The Human Geography Unit currently conducts research and teaching in the geography of tourism, landscape geography and geographies of labour (read more here). Teaching takes place at the undergraduate and graduate level, with courses given on campus, online, and through hybrid approaches.  


Duties and responsibilities
A PhD student’s primary job responsibility is to work toward the completion of the doctoral program, which involves four years of full-time study. The doctoral program encompasses 240 högskolepoäng (i.e., credit points in the Swedish system), of which the PhD dissertation comprises 180 credits and doctoral courses 60 credits. These credit points include courses and research work related to the dissertation. In addition, PhD students are required to perform other tasks in the department, such as teaching and administrative duties for 20% of their time. Thus, the total length of employment for these PhD positions is five years. 

The terms of employment for doctoral students can be found (in Swedish) in Högskoleförordningen 5 Chapter 1-7 §§ and in the University rules: Handbook for Doctoral Students, HUV | The guidelines for the doctoral program of study are found in the General Curriculum of the Doctoral Program in Human Geography (Allmän Studieplan, available in Swedish Studieplaner |; the English version is available upon request).


To meet the entry requirements for doctoral studies in Human Geography, you must hold a Master’s (second cycle) degree, or completed course requirements of at least 240 credits, with at least 60 credits at Master’s level, or acquired essentially equivalent knowledge in some other way in Sweden or abroad. 

Special entry requirements apply to those who have completed at least 90 credits in human geography or a related subject, including a Master’s thesis of at least 15 credits. 


Other requirements
The applicant must have proficiency in English.

Additionally, good knowledge of Swedish or any other Scandinavian language (Norwegian or Danish) is desirable for this position.


Assessment criteria

  • Selection is based on an overall assessment of
  • the applicant's ability to benefit from the programme and to contribute to and benefit from the research environment
  • the scientific quality of previous written work as well as the applicant's preliminary research plan 
  • methodological and scientific maturity and independence
  • scientific relevance and originality
  • personal suitability (e.g. organizational skills, ability to plan and carry out tasks within given deadlines, communication skills, ability to cooperate).

In the selection process of doctoral candidates, the matching between supervision expertise and applicants’ research interests will be considered.


The preparation of the employment follows the forms specified in Chapter 5 of the Higher Education Ordinance and proceeds in accordance with Mid Sweden University's employment regulations: employment-procedures-mid-sweden-university-miun-2020_2642.docx.pdf

A recruitment group makes an initial selection based on a review of the applicants' credentials. This group of applicants is then invited to an interview with some representatives of the doctoral programme, after which references will be checked before a final assessment is made. The result of the admission process will be communicated individually to each of the applicants during the latter part of the spring semester 2025.


Recruitment and access 
The doctoral position is for a five-year period and is expected to lead to a doctoral degree. In addition to doctoral studies covering 80% of full-time, teaching and administrative work of 20% will be included in the employment. Both the student’s own research time plus the time they dedicate to teaching and/or service corresponds to a full-time position. If, for some reason, there is a change in the pace of study in the doctoral programme adjustments to the period of employment can be made. 

A new appointment as a doctoral student is valid for a maximum of one year, after which the appointment may be renewed for a maximum of two years at a time. Provisions regarding employment as a doctoral student can be found in the Higher Education Ordinance (1993:100), Chapter 5, Sections 1-7. 

Start date: 2025-09-01 or as agreed.

Place of employment: Östersund

Salary: According to Mid Sweden University's salary scale for doctoral students.  


Further information
Further information is available from Head of Department Daniel Laven,  tel. 010-142 86 20, or by Head of Discipline of Human Geography Kristina Zampoukos,  tel. 010-142 79 12.


How to apply
Application documents can be in English, Swedish, Norwegian and Danish.


The application should include:

  • A cover letter (personal statement, max 2 pages) in which the applicant introduces themselves and explains why they are interested in the position as PhD student in Human Geography at Mid Sweden University
  • A short description (3-4 pages) of the applicant's intended research plan. This should include a background/introduction to the applicant’s intended research question, the question(s) they would like to investigate, a justification of why the research is important, a brief overview of relevant literature and how the project relates to this, as well as a description of the method(s) to be used
  • Copies of diplomas and certificates proving basic and specific qualifications, including transcripts of previous courses taken and their respective grades
  • One (or more) copies of the applicant's independent academic work, in English
  • contact details of two academic references
  • Any other documents (such as letters of recommendation) and academic work/publications that the applicant wishes to refer to.

Please send your application via our recruitment system by 2025-04-03.

First day of employment 2025-09-01 or as agreed
Salary According to Mid Sweden University's salary scale for doctoral students.
Full-time equivalent 100%
City Östersund
County Jämtlands län
Country Sweden
Reference number MIUN 2025/660
Union representative
  • Per Bergman, Fackförbundet ST, 010-1428371
  • Börje Norlin, Saco, 010-1428594
Last application date 03.Apr.2025 11:59 PM CEST
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